Critical Mass Strain Review
If you are wondering what you can expect from the Critical Mass strain, this is the place to be. Here you can learn what is great about it and how you can be sure to know you are getting the best medicine for yourself. Below is a great overview of the strain, so give it a read.
Critical Mass Roots
The reviews of this strain all seem to indicate that this is a very potent strain. It is said it can distort sounds, and that it lasts for over an hour. There are those that get a relaxed feeling, and a lot of the time people say it’s smooth when being used the first few times. Overall this strain has been positively reviewed, but it goes without saying that there are some that didn’t enjoy it.
Mainly people that dislike the strain think it’s too strong and can make them feel fairly uneasy. However, this kind of a review is few and far between when compared to the positive ones. The throat dryness seems to also be something that a lot of people don’t enjoy. There are different ways this can be grown, and that seems to have an effect on the user’s experience.
Now that you know what the Critical Mass strain is all about you can determine if it’s right for you. There are quite a few options out there, so if this doesn’t interest you there are many other choices. Get what you need and you’ll be able to know you have what helps you with your issues.