Study Links Cannabis to Good Grades

According to the National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol in Ireland, a new study reveals that the consumption of cannabis is the highest among individuals with a higher education, as well as people who remained in school after 15 years of age.
Surprisingly, the study shows that cannabis use is lowest among people who dropped out of school before they were 15, and those in college who are older than age 20 smoke marijuana the most. The Committee’s study explains that overall, individuals who advanced their education past the high school level are much more likely to smoke marijuana.This is the most comprehensive study in Ireland that has been released to explore cannabis consumption. It is a stark contrast to the claim by prohibitionist that consuming cannabis makes one unmotivated and sluggish, also known as the “smoking slacker” theory.
An additional study that was conducted in Germany at the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry and the University of Bonn asserts that marijuana triggers antioxidant release, which cleanses the body. The result is the excretion of damaged cells and an improved state of the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the source of energy that gives cells power, and can increase physical stamina.
The study was published in the publication Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, and confirms that neuroinflammatory processes that control to the way the brain ages, as well as diseases that deteriorate the brain, can be suppressed by using cannabis. Findings from the study showcase the benefits of cannabis use for stopping the decline in cognitive abilities that many senior citizens experience. Marijuana can also stop neural failure and is effective for treating Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease.
A neuroscience, medical genetics and immunology professor at Ohio State University, Gery Wenk, conducted research while the study was being conducted, to confirm these findings. Wenk expressed that the results were encouraging, and that potential development may be on the horizon. Wenk stated that he had been searching for a medication that would reduce inflammation in the brain and restore cognition in rats for a quarter of a century. Cannabinoids were the only drugs that worked effectively. He asserts that the negative connotation the drug has is evolving, and that people will be less skeptical of it in the future.
Photo credit: US Army Africa / Foter / CC BY